Local Pickup

Order Pickup Timeframe

All local orders must be picked up within 180 days from the date they were completed. This timeframe begins on the date of order completion, which will be communicated to the customer via email or other specified means.


Customers will be notified when their orders are ready for pickup. Notification methods may include email or text message, depending on the contact information provided at the time of purchase. Please be sure to check your spam folder for order update notification. 


Extensions to the pickup timeframe may be considered in exceptional circumstances, such as emergencies or unforeseen situations. Requests for extensions must be made in writing or by contacting our customer service team. Approval for an extension will be at the sole discretion of the store management.

Donation or Repurposing

Orders not picked up within the 180-day timeframe will be subject to donation or repurposing. Donated items will be given to local charities or nonprofit organizations, while repurposed items may be used for other purposes within the store or business operations.


No refunds will be issued for orders that are not picked up within the specified timeframe. The store will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to items after the pickup deadline has passed.


It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure timely pickup of their orders. Please plan accordingly and contact us if you anticipate any issues with pickup.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at info@queencitycreativeworks.com

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding of this policy, which helps us maintain efficient operations and support our local community.